How many hours is it from Melbourne to the Gold Coast?
Asked By : WalterH       and filed under Category : Travel By Car
I was going to fly from Melbourne to the Gold Coast but the only flights available were very expensive so I am considering hiring a car and driving all the way. So can anyone please tell me how many hours it will take me to drive from Melbourne to the Gold Coast and is there anything worth seeing along the way.

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It is a long trip from Melbourne to the Gold Coast, about 1,700 kilometres and is best done with a stopover of 1 night somewhere in between. A good halfway point if you are travelling up the middle of New South Wales is Dubbo, which has plenty of this to see and do for people of all ages. If, however you are going to travel up to the Gold Coast via the coast then Newcastle offers a central location for a break on this long drive.
Answered By : AlisonGee
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